Viña Santa Helena was founded in 1942 and boasts over 75 years of history. The winery is located in the Central Valley, the most emblematic valley in Chile.
The quality of a wine begins in the vineyard, and for this reason, our attention and energy are focused first on the land -ensuring sustainable practices across all our agricultural processes. The Central Valley has optimal natural conditions of climate and soil, providing perfect fertility for high-quality wine production, which is reflected in our various ranges.
Santa Helena is one of the country’s most important wineries, which for over 75 years has charmed Chile and the world with its quality, consistence and typically-Chilean wines.
圣海伦娜酒庄(Santa Helena)成立于1940 年代,现在已经成为了智利十大葡萄酒出口商之一,归属于智利第二大葡萄酒集团与出口商VSPT Wine Group(简称VSPT葡萄酒集团)。该酒庄的产品目前已经在世界超过45个市场上出口销售,消费群体多样,每年出口的葡萄酒产量超过150万箱(每箱9升)。该酒庄主要的出口国包括巴西、芬兰、日本、韩国和英国。
圣海伦娜酒庄提供了相当完整的产品线,从适合日常饮用的欢饮系列,进阶到珍藏系列(Reserves),一直到最高等级的“Four Stations”系列,充分满足了全世界不同需求的消费者。
圣海伦娜酒庄一心以成为智利最佳葡萄酒代表为目标,同时为了提升葡萄酒的品质,该酒庄不仅在酿酒技术的精进和设备的提升方面付出了很多心血,更是到处搜寻品质优良的葡萄以供酿酒使用。在智利空加瓜谷(Colchagua Valley) 的中心地区,就有一个特殊的区块专属于圣海伦娜酒庄,在那里有好几公顷的面积都种植着树龄高达90 年以上的葡萄树,这样一个特殊而又难得的区块就是圣海伦娜酒庄专门用来生产顶级酒款的地方。也正是因为这样持续不断地用心经营才使得圣海伦娜酒庄出产的葡萄酒总是能在世界各地连连获奖,并以其物超所值的产品带给消费者一次又一次的惊艳!